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Mark Maio

Mr. Maio has over 45 years of experience in the field of photography, and has taught photography at Emory University, Rochester Institute of Technology and the State University of New York at Buffalo. Mark continues to support the photography discipline by conducting fine art photography workshops across the U.S. and abroad. Mark's fine art photography has been exhibited in museums and galleries across the country, in addition to being included in public and private collections. His highly-acclaimed work includes a 12- print portfolio that is included in the permanent collection of the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography.

From Author

4 Min read
When I started my position in July of 2017 at KEH Camera, one of the biggest surprises was the fact that almost a third of our business was film cameras. I had assumed, as I watched the change in photography from film to digital back over ten years ago, that only a small handful of
January 22, 2018
3 Min read
Like most people, there have been a number of times in my life when I have had that strange feeling of deja vu. Most times, I start doing or saying something that feels like I have done or said it before. But during a photography trip back in 1975, when I was still in school,
January 12, 2018
3 Min read
One of the great opportunities I have while working at KEH Camera is access to an amazing number of cameras and lenses that come into KEH, and also to all the photographic related accessories that sometimes accompany them. My personal photographic education began in 1973 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when I enrolled in the Associate and
November 20, 2017
4 Min read
“I’ll bet you haven’t seen one of these before.” During my first week of work with KEH, the company held a buying event at the KEH headquarters in Atlanta. Buying events consist of one or two of our buyers greeting customers as they walk in with their used cameras and lenses, grading the equipment, and
November 13, 2017
3 Min read
There are two schools of thought on protecting the front lens surface on your camera: One is that you buy an optically clear UV or Skylight filter, which screws into the front of your lens. The theory is that this extra piece of glass will absorb any “direct hits” from a foreign object, and should
November 06, 2017
In Part 1, How the New iPhone is Changing the Face of Photography,  of this blog post, I discussed how the iPhone has replaced point-and-shoot digital cameras as an entry for more serious photographers into the world of DSLR and mirrorless cameras.  Today, I will share my impressions of the iPhone 8+ after using it
October 30, 2017