KEH Stories: Dorian McGee


Here’s your insiders look into KEH Camera and the KEH team. Check out #KEHSpotlight each month where we’ll showcase team members. This month we interviewed Graphic Designer, Dorian McGee!

Thanks for agreeing to share your background with our customers. To begin, please tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a quintessential artsy person. I’ve been schooled in traditional art since I was six years old and I’ve been a graphic designer for over 15 years. I’ve worked for big corporations and small businesses alike in a rainbow of different industries. I’m really happy to be here at KEH where I feel my skills are being used to the fullest.

How long have you been a KEH employee? What is your role (s) here at KEH and what does it entail?

I got hired in November of 2018 and I’m in charge of making graphics for anything involving marketing and branding so if the customers see it, I usually have at least something to do with it.

What is your favorite thing about your role here? How does your role support our overall mission?

My favorite thing is working with so many other creative people. Everyone on the marketing team is so brilliant and helpful. They’re really good at collaborating and realizing ideas.

What are your favorite tools to use for your creative work?

I absolutely love Adobe Suite and my Huion GT 220 tablet. I can do practically anything with those two combined and it makes me feel invincible.

The future of KEH is so bright! Share with us in on what you’re most excited about and what keeps you motivated in your position.

I’m always intrigued about what new direction we’re going to take with each campaign. KEH is full of amazing creatives and every day we’re trying new ideas and learning new perspectives.

As a designer, you really have to get in the zone to create a lot of graphics. What’s your favorite music playlist that keeps you going?

I’m actually really all over the place with my music. Most days I listen to either a stream of  synthwave, kawaii future bass, or lofi hip-hop depending on my mood to keep me on task.

So far, what have been your favorite projects to work on?

I’d have to say right now it was designing the logo for our 40th anniversary. I really love retro design and the fact that KEH originated in the 70’s meant I got to go really nostalgic with the color scheme and theme for it. I was so very happy with how well it was received. I even got to create an animated version!

Here’s a fun question, if you could BE any camera what would you be and why?

Probably my favorite camera, a Fujifilm X-T20. It’s really compact (like me), really stylish (like I want to be) and from my favorite destination country of Japan.

Do you have other special talents or hobbies?

I’m into everything art. I draw, paint, sculpt, sew and now I’m getting into photography. My biggest hobbies are Cosplay and Ball Jointed Dolls. I love designing and crafting clothing and props for myself and the models. You can see my work on my Instagram @doriandoodles

Is there a quote/saying you live by?

Absolutely! One by my favorite author Oscar Wilde,

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”




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